Rule Breaker

10179 Berlin, Deutschland
180 qm GrundstückToiletten

Despite its original life as a school, the daring architectural design of this apartment breaks all rules. With high ceilings and a striking open staircase, slashing the huge dining area into angular shapes, this two-storey Home Studio defies mundanity with fearless conviction. Red stone floor, rustic fireplaces and exposed brick walls imbue the space with earthy textures and shades, with the occasional lavish feature - a luscious turquoise sofa and ornate chandelier - juxtaposing the minimal with the grand.

Verfügbarkeit: Kurzfristig (1-2 Tage Vorlauf)
Rauchen erlaubt?: Nein
Homemade Studio
Guia Mondello(Motivgeber, Erlaubnisgeber, Hauptkontakt)
Bei öffentlichen Motiven ist die zuständige Behörde zu kontaktieren

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