Paul Baumgarten's Eternithaus in the Hansaviertel, Berlin, was built in 1957 on the occasion of the International Building Exhibition (Internationale Bauausstellung).
The Eternithaus was one of the most unusual and interesting suggestions for new forms of living. Baumgarten thought it would be inappropriate to build 7 row houses with private gardens so close to Tiergarten, so as an alternative he created an elongated, shiplike structure featuring huge galss windows floating over the ground floor, completing it with gangway, railings and cabin like living quarters.
The Eternithaus is 55m long holding 7 maisonette apartments of 96sq m each and it is somewhat hidden from sight by trees and shrubbery.
With its vicinity to Tiergarten and as a three layer transparent mid-century building, the Eternithaus is ideal for all kind of wacky photoshoots and film productions.