70s Flair

12059 Berlin-Neukölln, Deutschland
80 qm Grundstück80 qm WohnflächeToiletten

This modern Home Studio with a cosy 70s flair, is the perfect location for small productions of up to 8 people. The living room and bedroom are flooded with beautiful, direct daylight from midday, offering an ideal backdrop for natural, atmospheric shots. With additional spaces like a north-facing kitchen, bathroom, and office, it’s a versatile and practical choice for your next creative shoot. Please click "Message Home Studio" via the link below to contact owner directly:


Verfügbarkeit: Kurzfristig (1-2 Tage Vorlauf)
Homemade Studio
Guia Mondello(Motivgeber, Hauptkontakt)
Bei öffentlichen Motiven ist die zuständige Behörde zu kontaktieren

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